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News & Events

Read here what moves the industry. Our collection of news informs you about stuff, projects and up-to-date news.

BETA CAE Systems announces the release of the v21.1.1 of its software suite

BETA CAE Systems Software Suite v21.1.1 is ready to download.

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BETA CAE Systems announces the release of the v21.0.3 of its software suite

BETA CAE Systems Software Suite v21.0.3 is ready to download.

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Webinar "ANSA and META interaction with pSeven: benefits of optimization with parametric mesh morphing"

Date: 10 February, 2021

Start time:11:00 AM CET

Duration: 1 hour

Language: English

Participation: free, registration required

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BETA CAE Systems announces the release of the v20.1.5 of its software suite

BETA CAE Systems Software Suite v20.1.5 is ready to download.

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BETA CAE Systems announces the release of the v21.1.0 of its software suite

BETA CAE Systems Software Suite v21.1.0 is ready to download.

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