FEM Software meeting your exact requirements
LASSO is the German distributor for BETA CAE Software ANSA, META, SPDRM etc.
An effective working environment can only be realised when one gains complete knowledge a programs full function spectrum. We provide certified Seminars and Workshops for the software ANSA, META and SPDRM.

The advanced CAE pre-processing software for complete model build up
ANSA is an advanced multidisciplinary CAE pre-processing tool that provides all the necessary functionality for full-model build up, from CAD data to ready-to-run solver input file, in a single integrated environment.
ANSA is the users’ preference due to its wide range of features and tools that meet their needs. The list of productive and versatile features is long and the alternative tasks and processes to be completed using them are countless.

The unique solution for CAE workflow, data and resources management
Addressing the problem of contemporary CAE community to integrate data, processes and resources, a new solution is offered for driving high quality and efficient virtual product development procedures. This software for Simulation, Process, Data & Resources Management (SPDRM) provides a simple and intuitive way to capture, deploy, manage and improve CAE process workflows by integrating the resources, the tools and the data associated with these.

The new FEA solver
EPILYSIS solver is the new addition to the BETA CAE Systems analysis tools family and is available with the ANSA/EPILYSIS/META suite. Named after the Greek word for solution, it operates as a solution in the field of Finite Element embodying the accumulated knowledge from 25 years of collaboration with the CAE community.
EPILYSIS covers numerous solution types and intends to bridge the gap between pre- and post- processing for disciplines such as Structural, NVH, Optimization, and more.

The key to 3D-modeling from CT-data of physical objects
Addressing the needs of contemporary design techniques, such as the adaptation of Computer Tomography (CT) data to simulation processes, we bring forth a new software that captures the CT-image data of physical high-end and complex structures, and brings them to the world of simulation as 3D-models.

A nonlinear modular FEM-solver
Load bearing capacity of structures which are subject to strong or even permanent deformation during loading can only be carried out with non-linear calculation methods. Furthermore, non-linear methods when applied to linear Structural mechanics provide considerably better results than simplified and strongly restricted linear methods when analyzing small deformations.

Effective product data and meta-data porting from CAD systems to ANSA
Porting product data and meta-data from diverse CAD systems to CAE pre-processing is a challenging task that requires advanced and configurable tools. The CAD data to ANSA translators meet the industries requirements by offering a wide portfolio of supported CAD formats, settings and options. Offered with ANSA or as add-on to it, the translators, allow the trouble-free kick off of the CAE processing.

The complete interface for Tosca
Tosca-ANSA Environment (TAe) provides a complete interface for Tosca, powered by the ANSA Task Manager. Its interface facilitates the definition of Topology, Shape, Bead and Sizing optimization problems, providing feature based entries for all Tosca Structure keywords. TAe is available as a standalone product or as an integral part of ANSA.
SIMULIA Tosca is a product of Dassault Systemes.